check the excel file:
I want to fix any problem with syntax in "Accout Statement" Sheet
and it is very slow when process the data from "Data Archive" Sheet, Can make it faster than that with the syntax? I guess that is the index+Match is affect that slow!
and when I add a date on "Monthly Report" Sheet is show me the statements without adding the From date cell, only when i add the To date cell it show all the statements? can we make it never show the statements
Even I writing the beginning and
end date together?
in "Add" Sheet I want to keep DataValidation on cell E8 show the Model but i want when i type first name of the Model showing me all model begin with that letter because it has a huge list of models you can see
it on "Data" Sheet? maybe offset work with this but i don't understand this syntax?
Best Regards
Data Validation with Conditional formatting "Help ME"
August 3rd, 2013 9:40pm
Hi Mickeymodar,
Since your question is about Office Product, I will move your thread to "Excel IT Pro Discussions".
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August 4th, 2013 4:01am